The influence of digital micromirror device on the precision of the digital mask manufacture system is analyzed systematically. 数字化掩模制作系统的核心控制部件是数字微镜。
Research on rapid prototyping of planar mask in micro-manufacture 微型制造中的掩膜快速成型技术
The paper concludes the classification and the new trend of the mask product. The necessity of the new criteria in mask manufacture is expatiated through actual executive condition, market scale, product quality and different views from cosmetic industry. 文章概述了面膜产品的种类及发展趋势,从目前标准执行状况、市场潜力、产品质量以及业内的共识等方面阐述了制定面膜行业标准的必要性。
This paper investigates the mask master initiatively and discusses the design and manufacture method of the primary master, working master and working plate in concrete terms. 本文对荫罩母版进行了初步探讨,并对原始母版、工作母版和工作底版的设计与制作进行了具体的论述。
Treatment of BiPAP mechanical ventilation by nasal mask on left ventricular failure Simple Manufacture of Ward Bed Mantle BiPAP鼻罩式机械通气治疗左心衰竭病床罩的简易制作
The result shows, that the mask dentigerous structure etching in the EPW corrosive liquid causes convex corners and short corners phenomenon, which can realize the proximal circular silicon membrane manufacture. 结果表明,利用掩膜锯齿结构在EPW腐蚀液中存在凸角削角现象,能够实现近似圆形硅膜的制作。
As a main method of the nanometer level processing technologies electron beam lithography acts the pivotal role in nanometer component processing, mask fabricating and novel device novel structure manufacture. 电子束光刻技术是纳米级加工技术的主要手段,在纳米器件加工、掩模制造、新器件新结构加工中扮演举足轻重的角色。